Sunday, January 10, 2010

For Those New to My Blog.......

...and to all those who have expressed interest in reading older postings on this blog, please read on.

I began writing this blog in July, 2008. To view older postings, please do one of the following:

1. Click on the titles of each posting (to the left, under "Blog Archive.";

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Subsribe to: Posts (Atom)" button. There is actually no subscription; it simply gives you a blog listing (by date) of the first 25 or so postings;

To Read All Blog Listings:

3. Click on "Older Posts." This option will give you several postings, but you will need to continue to click on "Older Posts" to go back to the original postings in July, 2008.

Also, be sure to go directly to the blog address instead to previous postings. The address is:

(Please note there is NO 'www' in the blog address.)

I hope this helps those of you having difficulty finding older posts. If you have additional questions regarding the blog or wish to share comments or thoughts, please post comments on the blog or email me at

Thanks for your continued support!


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